Photos By Steve Nanz | |||||
Knox County Me | |||||
(8/15/09 - 8/19/09) | |||||
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IMG_0728.jpg Death-watch Beetle Hadrobregmus notatus Family: Anobiidae |
IMG_0727.jpg Death-watch Beetle Hadrobregmus notatus Family: Anobiidae |
IMG_0735.jpg Tipula Crane Fly Tipula (Yamatotipula) furca Family: Tipulidae |
IMG_0741.jpg Jumping Bristletail Petrobius brevistylus? Family: Machilidae |
IMG_0743.jpg Jumping Bristletail Petrobius brevistylus? Family: Machilidae |
IMG_0770.jpg Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle Family: Alcidae |
IMG_0772.jpg Dog Vomit Slime Mold Fuligo septica Family: Physaridae |
IMG_0775.jpg Tanacetum Root Moth Dichrorampha sp. Family: Tortricidae |
IMG_0781.jpg Long-horned Bee Melissodes (Eumelissodes) druriella? Family: Apidae |
IMG_0782.jpg Long-horned Bee Melissodes (Eumelissodes) druriella? Family: Apidae |
ZH3Z6965.jpg Broad-winged Hawk Buteo platypterus Family: Accipitridae |
IMG_0786.jpg Band-winged Meadowhawk Sympetrum semicinctum Family: Libellulidae |
IMG_0792.jpg Red Squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Family: Sciuridae |
IMG_0793.jpg Waxycap Hygrocybe sp? Family: Tricholomataceae |
IMG_0798.jpg Sweetflag Spreadwing Lestes forcipatus Family: Lestidae |
IMG_0800.jpg Sweetflag Spreadwing Lestes forcipatus Family: Lestidae |
ZH3Z6970.jpg Wandering Glider Pantala flavescens Family: Libellulidae |
ZH3Z6978.jpg Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus Family: Threskiornithidae |
ZH3Z6990.jpg Short-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus Family: Scolopacidae |
IMG_0802.jpg Zebra Caterpillar Moth Melanchra picta Family: Noctuidae |
ZH3Z7003.jpg Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica Family: Scolopacidae |
ZH3Z7011.jpg Pectoral Sandpipers? Calidris melanotos? Family: Scolopacidae |
ZH3Z7040.jpg Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Ammodramus nelsoni Family: Emberizidae |
IMG_0805.jpg Black and Yellow Argiope Argiope aurantia Family: Araneidae |
IMG_0813.jpg Camel Cricket Ceuthophilus maculatus? Family: Rhaphidophoridae |
IMG_0817.jpg Polymorphic Spider Enoplognatha ovata? Family: Theridiidae |
IMG_0818.jpg Longlegged Fly Family: Dolichopodidae |
IMG_0826.jpg Longlegged Fly Family: Dolichopodidae |
IMG_0827.jpg Longlegged Fly Family: Dolichopodidae |
IMG_0830.jpg Amanita Mushroom Family: Pluteaceae |
IMG_0831.jpg Mushroom Family: |
IMG_0832.jpg Limoniid Crane Fly Limonia (Discobola) annulata Family: Limoniidae |
IMG_0834.jpg Camel Cricket Ceuthophilus maculatus? Family: Rhaphidophoridae |
IMG_0837.jpg Amanita Mushroom Amanita brunnescens? Family: Pluteaceae |
IMG_0838.jpg Amanita Mushroom Family: Pluteaceae |
IMG_0840.jpg Bolete Suillus pictus? Family: Suillaceae? |
IMG_0841.jpg Shiny Cinnamon Polypore Coltricia cinnamomea Family: Hymenochaetaceae |
IMG_0843.jpg Shiny Cinnamon Polypore Coltricia cinnamomea Family: Hymenochaetaceae |
IMG_0844.jpg Amanita Mushroom Family: Pluteaceae |
IMG_0845.jpg Amanita Mushroom Family: Pluteaceae |
IMG_0850.jpg Wood Frog Rana sylvatica Family: Ranidae |
IMG_0851.jpg Wood Frog Rana sylvatica Family: Ranidae |
IMG_0853.jpg Gray Tree Frog Hyla versicolor? Family: Hylinae |
IMG_0855.jpg Amanita Mushroom Amanita sp.? Family: Pluteaceae |
IMG_0857.jpg Mushroom Family: |
IMG_0858.jpg Mushroom Lactarius subvellereus? Family: Russulaceae? |
IMG_0859_b.jpg Pinwheel Mushroom Marasmius rotula Family: Marasmiaceae |
IMG_0859_s.jpg Shiny Cinnamon Polypore Coltricia cinnamomea Family: Hymenochaetaceae |
IMG_0861.jpg Mushroom Family: |
IMG_0865.jpg Mushroom Family: |
IMG_0866.jpg Pinkgill? Entoloma strictius? Family: Entolomataceae |
IMG_0868.jpg Shelf Fugus Ganoderma tsugae? Family: Ganodermataceae |
IMG_0870.jpg Shelf Fugus Ganoderma tsugae? Family: Ganodermataceae |
IMG_0872.jpg Hoof Fungus Fomes fomentarius Family: Polyporaceae |
IMG_0873.jpg Mushroom Gomphus floccosus? Family: Gomphaceae |
IMG_0874.jpg Bolete Suillus pictus? Family: Suillaceae? |
IMG_0876.jpg Crested Coral Clavulina cristata Family: Clavariaceae |
IMG_0877.jpg Amanita Mushroom Family: Pluteaceae |
IMG_0887.jpg Virgin Tiger Moth Grammia virgo? Family: Erebidae |
IMG_0894.jpg Seashore Springtail Anurida maritima Family: Neanuridae |
IMG_0895.jpg Ochlerotatus Mosquitoe Family: Culicidae |
IMG_0896.jpg Ochlerotatus Mosquitoe Family: Culicidae |
IMG_0899.jpg Ochlerotatus Mosquitoe Family: Culicidae |
IMG_0904.jpg Orb Weaver Araneus nordmanni Family: Araneidae |
IMG_0907.jpg Orb Weaver Araneus nordmanni Family: Araneidae |
IMG_0914.jpg Square-headed Wasp Ectemnius maculosus Family: Crabronidae |
IMG_0920.jpg Phantom Crane Fly Bittacomorpha clavipes Family: Ptychopteridae |
IMG_0922.jpg Flower Longhorn Stictoleptura canadensis Family: Cerambycidae |
Identifications represent best guesses on my part and are not intended to be authoritative.
Please feel free to drop me an eMail with corrections or comments. They are greatly appreciated. |