Photos By Steve Nanz | |||||
Italy | |||||
Rome and Orvieto | |||||
(4/23/2005-4/28/2005) | |||||
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Larus michahellis (Yellow-legged Gull) Family: |
Turdus merula (Common Blackbird) Family: |
Larus michahellis (Yellow-legged Gull) Family: |
Turdus merula (Common Blackbird) Family: |
Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral) Family: |
Pararge aegeria (Speckled Wood) Family: |
Corvus cornix (Hooded Crow) Family: |
Cyanistes caeruleus (Blue Tit) Family: |
Troglodytes troglodytes (Eurasian Wren) Family: |
Passer italiae (Italian Sparrow) Family: |
Larus michahellis (Yellow-legged Gull) Family: |
Larus michahellis (Yellow-legged Gull) Family: |
Ficedula hypoleuca (European Pied Flycatcher) Family: |
Apus apus (Common Swift) Family: |
Larus michahellis (Yellow-legged Gull) Family: |
Serinus serinus (European Serin) Family: |
Delichon urbicum (Common House Martin) Family: |
Corvus monedula (Western Jackdaw) Family: |
Carduelis carduelis (European Goldfinch) Family: |
Larus michahellis (Yellow-legged Gull) Family: |
Falco tinnunculus (Common Kestrel) Family: |
Saxicola rubicola (European Stonechat) Family: |
Sylvia melanocephala (Sardinian Warbler) Family: |
Parus major (Great Tit) Family: |
Gonepteryx rhamni? (Common Brimstone?) Family: |
Gonepteryx rhamni? (Common Brimstone?) Family: |
Acrocephalus sp. (Reed Warbler) Family: |
Psittacula krameri (Rose-ringed Parakeet) Family: |
Cyanistes caeruleus (Blue Tit) Family: |
Podarcis sicula (Italian Wall Lizard) Family: |
Certhia brachydactyla (Short-toed Treecreeper) Family: |
Certhia brachydactyla (Short-toed Treecreeper) Family: |
Passer montanus (Eurasian Tree Sparrow) Family: |
Podarcis muralis (Common Wall Lizard) Family: |
Podarcis muralis (Common Wall Lizard) Family: |
Podarcis muralis (Common Wall Lizard) Family: |
Erithacus rubecula (European Robin) Family: |
Motacilla alba (White Wagtail) Family: |
Larus michahellis (Yellow-legged Gull) Family: |
Muscicapa striata (Spotted Flycatcher) Family: |
Identifications represent best guesses on my part and are not intended to be authoritative.
Please feel free to drop me an eMail with corrections or comments. They are greatly appreciated. |